The Divyajyoti Trust is embarking on an ambitious project to develop a state-of-the-art campus, comprising a 220-bed Eye Hospital and a 180-seat Training Centre, in Mandvi, Surat, Gujarat. The primary mission of this facility is to significantly reduce, and ultimately eliminate, avoidable blindness within the community. Serving a population of 2.5 million across 2,000 villages, this center aims to become a beacon of healing and care, offering cutting-edge medical facilities. In alignment with its commitment to sustainability, the project also aspires to achieve the highest standards of green certification, setting a new benchmark for sustainable healthcare design.
Project Specifics
Client: Divyajyoti Trust
Site Location: Village Amalsadi, Mandvi, Surat
Plot area: 15,238 sq m / 18,225 sq yrd
Construction Area: 1,75,517 sq ft / 16,305 sq m
Year of Completion: Ongoing
Services: Masterplan, Architecture, Interior Design, MEP Integration, Landscape Design
Team: Snehal Shah, Nishith Jariwala, Supriya Mulay, Jiyan Pattharwala, Rahil Sofawala, Sarthak Dixit, Lisa Jethwa, Jhanvi Prajapati, Harish Chotalia, Dhaval Padhiar, Rahul Sahani, Drashti Prajapati, Abhay Vaghela